Amazonian Abuse Absorber – Kinetic

A victim of domestic abuse develops a device that absorbs her tormentor’s attacks and gives her the power to fight back in Kinetic, the latest epic from Muscle Fan!


Synopsis: Bridget Lesley has fled from her abusive ex-husband, Desmond Molan, and has a restraining order against him. However, he refuses to let her go and continues to torment her. Fearing for her life, Bridget turns to technology to turn the tables on Desmond once and for all.

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Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, lift and carry, super-strength, amazon, revenge, science

Issue release date: November 10th, 2018

Written by: Mac Rome

Lineart by: Raffaele Ricciardi

Colors byRuben Curto

Issue Link: Kinetic

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of Kinetic? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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FMG Forest Fighting – Better and Better 4

Jess grows taller and stronger than ever before, but will it be enough to save her from an army of mercenaries in the penultimate chapter of Better and Better?


Synopsis: With CPR closing in on still-strengthening Jess and intent to hide her from the world forever, she and Paul implement a plan to protect her. But the company is closing in on Jess. Can she escape? If not, will the plan work?

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Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, feats of strength, sex, fisting, blowjob, lift and carry, insertion

Issue release date: September 10th, 2018

Written by: Mac Rome

Lineart by: Vincenzo Sansone

Color by: Blue Jay

Series Link: Better and Better

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of Better and Better 4? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at

Buff Babe in the Bayou – Swamp Fever

Fans of mini-giantesses, expanding breasts, and detailed muscle growth sequences dare not miss out on the release of Swamp Fever: the story of a female camper who gets dirty (in more ways than one) when she discovers a swamp’s astonishingly transformative properties!


Synopsis: Kara and Sean are a young couple looking to spend a night camping in the swamp. Ignoring the warnings of a local elder, they head into the swamp. They were prepared for nature’s challenges, but they were not prepared for the effects of the Swamp Fever.

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Synopsis: Kara and Sean are a young couple looking to spend a night camping in the swamp. Ignoring the warnings of a local elder, they head into the swamp. They were prepared for nature’s challenges, but they were not prepared for the effects of the Swamp Fever.

Tags: Female Muscle Growth, Clothes Ripping, Breast Expansion

Issue release date: August 24th, 2018

Written by: Lysander

Artwork by: r2roh

Issue Link: Swamp Fever

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


What did you think of Swamp Fever? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

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Tavern Tales – The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide

Notheria’s greatest champion reveals the secret of how she got her incredible strength (and details one of her most amazing battles) in the exciting first issue of Muscle Fan‘s latest fantasy-adventure title: The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide!


Synopsis: In the land of Notheria, humans live alongside elves, dwarves, and various other races. Notheria is a land of magic and adventure, and while many people are accustomed to orc raids and dragon attacks, nobody will ever get used to Bregwyn Firehide. So sit down, pour yourself a drink, and listen intently as Bregwyn introduces herself and recounts the tale of how she became the tallest and most muscular person in all of Notheria.

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Tags: mini giantess, muscle growth, fantasy, clothes ripping, feats of strength

Issue release date: June 10th, 2018

Written by: Hank Birche

Artwork by: Bokuman

Issue Link: The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at

Amazonian Apparitions – Pumped-Up Poltergeists 2

Muscle Fan‘s favourite group of ghost hunters (and FMG-friendly ghosts) are back and ready to grow even more powerful in the second chapter of Pumped-Up Poltergeists!


Synopsis: It’s haunting hour at the O’Hare Hotel and the girls are getting in over their heads. With the ghosts making their presence known, the cast has discovered their unusual… effects. What else will they experience now that they’ve gotten the spirits’ full attention?

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Tags: female muscle growth, clothes destruction, size alteration, ghosts, uneven growth, breast shrinkage, breast growth, giantess, feats of strength

Issue release date: March 24th, 2018

Written by: Rolling Thunder

Lineart by Michela Da Sacco

Color by: Ross A. Campbell

Series Link: Pumped-Up Poltergeists

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of Pumped-Up Poltergeists 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at

Power Fantasy – Pillow Talk

Two lovers enjoy a night of surrealist female muscle growth roleplay, with results that are both sexually arousing and comically amusing!


Synopsis: It’s a scary thought, sharing your deepest fantasies with somebody. But what if they accepted those desires, and even acted them out for you? Imagine if they took it a step further, and developed their own little roleplay to suite your fantasy. That would be amazing, right? Or so you would think…

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Tags: female muscle growth, feats of strength, breast expansion, height growth, sex, husband and wife, adventure, fantasy, roleplay

Issue release date: November 24th, 2017

Written by: Trent Harlow and Amber Harlow

Artwork by: Octo

Issue Link: Pillow Talk

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Pillow Talk? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Shrinking Man With a Growing Love – Perfect Fit

A muscular man and his tiny lady lover find themselves slowly switching musculatures in Perfect Fit, our latest release for fans of attribute theft transformations!


Synopsis: All Brian wants is a perfect fit. Is that too much to ask? But the way he gets his wish is not what he expected…

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Tags: female muscle growth, male shrinkage, muscle theft, mini-gts, gentle giantess, explicit sex, lift and carry

Issue release date: October 10th, 2017

Written by: Arie McBride

Artwork by: Rukasusan

Issue Link: Perfect Fit

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Perfect Fit? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Changes and Complications – Better and Better 2

Things are starting to get complicated for the amazonian protagonist of Muscle Fan‘s erotic-science-fiction-romance Better and Better, but none of it can stop her from becoming even taller, stronger, and hornier than ever before!


Synopsis: As Dr. Jessica Egolf continues to get taller and more muscular, her boss at the company making the virus that started her growth becomes suspicious. With Jessica’s transformation becoming impossible to hide, she and her lover Paul deal with the consequences of her growing problem.

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Tags: Female muscle growth, lift and carry, feats of strength, clothes ripping, mini-giantess, female growth, sex, sex=growth, blowjob

Issue release date: September 24th, 2017

Written by: Mac Rome

Lineart by: Vincenzo Sansone

Color by: Ross A. Campbell

Series Link: Better and Better

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Better and Better 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Empowered Environmentalist – Tree Hugger

Tree Hugger‘s Lana proves once and for all that a strong woman “going green” does’t always have to be a she-hulk! Download yourself a copy today and enjoy the fantastic exploits of Muscle Fan‘s bulletproof nature lover!


Synopsis: Young scientist and environmentalist Lana is thrilled when she raises enough funds to start a research project in the rain forest. However, after several strange accidents and locals slow her research’s progress, she discovers that a company specialized in arms and applied sciences have built a secret complex into large parts of unexplored wilderness. Realizing she would receive no help from authorities, Lana starts a one-woman-guerrilla operation.

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Tags: mini-giantess, female muscle growth, growing/bursting out of clothes, breast growth, feats of strength

Issue release date: August 10th, 2017

Written by: CiHity

Artwork by: Emmanuel Xerx Javier

Issue Link: Tree Hugger

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Tree Hugger? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Transforming Fat into Muscle – Better and Better

A short and overweight nerd girl becomes a busty, hungry, and horny amazon in the first issue of Muscle Fan‘s new science fiction romance Better and Better!


Synopsis: Doctors Paul Ahearn and Jessica Egolf work together on developing a new weight-loss treatment, allowing a person to add height and muscle to grow into their body weight. When a lab accident exposes short, fat Jess to the untested formula, she begins to slowly grow bigger, more muscular and hotter. Now Jess and Paul have a growing relationship. However, as Jess outgrows the limits of a normal human, the company they work for begins to consider her condition a growing problem…

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Tags: Muscle growth, feats of strength, height increase, nerd girl, lift and carry

Issue release date: July 10th, 2017

Written by: Mac Rome

Lineart by: Vincenzo Sansone

Color by: Ross A. Campbell

Issue Link: Better and Better

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Better and Better? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!