She’s (Too Big For) a Brick House – Body of Iron 6

Mollie’s recovery from her degenerative disease has gone well – a little too well, as she’s grown much bigger and stronger than any normal person should be! Just how massive is her Body of Iron going to get?

Synopsis: Mollie may be enjoying her new body lately, but it’s going through more changes now than ever. She’s hoping that she’ll still have a roof over her head by the time they’re finished, provided she doesn’t outgrow it…

Written By: Rolling Thunder

Lineart By: Salo

Color By: Ruben Curto

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, breast expansion, clothes ripping, destruction, science

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: July 24th, 2024

Series Link: Body of Iron

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


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Foe in Chains, Crazy Gains – The Strength of Chi 3

Xia tried to use The Strength of Chi for her own spiteful gain, but was defeated by the power’s rightful wielder, Lumin, and imprisoned for her crimes. However, all is not well for Lumin, as her own power is growing out of control, and Xia is seeking her escape and revenge…

Synopsis: Following her defeat last issue, Xia plots her next move. Meanwhile, Lumin finds herself unable to control the flow of her chi as her body begins to rapidly swell with power…

Written By: a0040pc

Lineart By: Mad Max Duarte

Colors By: Daniel Dw

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, clothes ripping, feats of strength, destruction, fighting, revenge, magic

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: June 24, 2024

Series Link: The Strength of Chi

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


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Catch the Fever! – Night of the Living Amazons

Heading home after work one night, Bella and Jordan encounter an acquaintance of theirs, acting aggressive and lustful. She seems to have caught whatever is going around – in this case, a contagion that causes big-time muscle growth!

Synopsis: Something is happening. The news keeps reporting of men and women, possessed by some mania, attacking people. Is it a virus? Is it a new drug? Whatever it is, it is spreading… and coworkers Bella and Jordan are about to learn all about it firsthand!

Written By: Lysander

Artwork By: Ponce (AlterComics)

Tags: female muscle, height increase, muscle growth, pleasure, clothes ripping, sex, feats of strength, nudity, personality change, femdom

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: May 24th, 2024

Issue Link: Night of the Living Amazons

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


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Wishy-Washy Women – The Genie’s Gift 6

Amani just loves toying with Zareen and her friends, finding any excuse to use their wishes to make them bigger and stronger. You’d think the ladies would have learned by now, but they’re still trying to figure out how to get the best results from the tricky genie!

Synopsis: The power of the jinn is not to be underestimated, as Zareen, Leyla, and Izzy soon realize. With fewer wishes than ever, they’ll have to work together to figure out the best way to get everything they want…

Written By: Rolling Thunder

Artwork By: Exemi

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, breast expansion, height increase, mini-giantess, giantess, reality change, feats of strength, magic

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: May 10th, 2024

Series Link: The Genie’s Gift

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


  • What did you think about The Genie’s Gift 6? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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FMG: Final Muscle Girl – Slasher Meets Slammer

A couple going off alone. An isolated, moonlit forest clearing. A masked psycho wielding a blade. We’ve all seen this movie before – but our female survivor is secretly packing a major punch! Get ready for a fright-night fight when Slasher Meets Slammer!

Synopsis: In the dark of the night, a couple prepare for a sex session under the moonlight. Little do they realize that there is a killer in the woods. Little does he know what he’s about to encounter…

Written By: Rolling Thunder

Artwork By: Tang (Studio Arieta)

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, breast expansion, clothes ripping, horror, feats of strength, destruction, fighting, revenge

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: February 10th, 2024

Issue Link: Slasher Meets Slammer

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


  • What did you think about Slasher Meets Slammer? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Mighty Meteor Misses – Strength From the Stars 3

Kylee and her friends have become Amazonian powerhouses thanks to the strange space rock – but they’re far from done growing! How big is the curious meteor going to make them… and is there something else going on with it?

Synopsis: Kylee has shown off the rock to her friends and the results speak for themselves. Still, there’s more to this than the trio realize as the rock’s effects start to grow along with them…

Written By: Rolling Thunder

Artwork By: Octo

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, mini-giantess, clothes ripping, feats of strength, destruction, science

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: January 24th, 2023

Series Link: Strength From the Stars

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


  • What did you think about Strength From the Stars 3? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Powerful Enemies – The Strength of Chi 2

Lumin’s had a while to get used to the muscle-boosting power of the guardian’s magic – but now that the envious Xia has gotten her hands on the same power, will Lumin be a match for her?

Synopsis: Xia has gained the power that has eluded her for so long! Will she finally be able to outmuscle her rival, or will she still fail to measure up to Lumin’s strength?

Written By: a0040pc

Lineart By: Mad Max Duarte

Colors By: Daniel Dw

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, clothes ripping, feats of strength, destruction, fighting, revenge, magic

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: December 10th, 2023

Series Link: The Strength of Chi

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


  • What did you think about The Strength of Chi 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Sharing the Wealth? – Massive Inheritance 8

An uninvited guest arrives at Ashley’s house, claiming the muscle growth technology belongs to her – and when she barges in, she gets a dose of the power for herself! Is Ashley about to lose her Massive Inheritance?

Synopsis: The granddaughter of the inventor of the various muscle growth devices responsible for Ashley’s aunt’s film career has come to claim her grandfather’s inventions as HER rightful inheritance! Is this the end of “Ashley the Amazon”… or merely the start of something even greater?

Written By: Rolling Thunder

Artwork By: LWJ (Sedna Studio)

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, breast expansion, pleasure, clothes ripping, sci-fi, science

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: November 24th, 2023

Series Link: Massive Inheritance

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


  • What did you think about Massive Inheritance 8? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Big Muscly Goth GF – Gothic Gains 2

Cassidy has become the biggest, baddest goth girl in town – and it seems like her strength spell might not be done with her yet! What’s a growing goth girl like her gonna do with all that power? Find out as Gothic Gains continues!

Synopsis: Cassidy just got herself an upgrade, going from gothic beauty to towering bombshell. With an ex-boyfriend in her rear view, she’s looking to find a new way of life for herself — not to mention finding the best use for her new body.

Written By: Rolling Thunder

Artwork By: Gabriel Rearte (AlterComics)

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, clothes ripping, height increase, breast expansion, ass expansion, attribute theft, muscle transfer, size transfer, muscle loss, revenge, feats of strength, humiliation, workout, natural fitness, magic

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: November 10th, 2023

Series Link: Gothic Gains

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


  • What did you think about Gothic Gains 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Forged in an Old Flame – The Ballad of Sir Walt 3

The Ballad of Sir Walt continues today! When we last saw him, Walt was about to “reunite” with his first love, Carla. When she suddenly grows into a musclebound bombshell after their encounter, Walt starts to suspect that Tabitha may have some big plans in mind…

Synopsis: Walt and his foremost sweetheart, Carla, are reunited by the machinations of Walt’s mistress, Tabitha. The lovebirds are encouraged to go somewhere quiet so that there is no one to interrupt them… but to what end? What will emerge from the unleashing of their youthful passion?

Written By: Lysander

Artwork By: Rukasu

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, clothes ripping, breast expansion, ass expansion, height increase, sex, pleasure, fantasy, witch, magic

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: October 24th, 2023

Series Link: The Ballad of Sir Walt

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


  • What did you think about The Balled of Sir Walt 3? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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