Shrinking Man With a Growing Love – Perfect Fit

A muscular man and his tiny lady lover find themselves slowly switching musculatures in Perfect Fit, our latest release for fans of attribute theft transformations!


Synopsis: All Brian wants is a perfect fit. Is that too much to ask? But the way he gets his wish is not what he expected…

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Tags: female muscle growth, male shrinkage, muscle theft, mini-gts, gentle giantess, explicit sex, lift and carry

Issue release date: October 10th, 2017

Written by: Arie McBride

Artwork by: Rukasusan

Issue Link: Perfect Fit

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Perfect Fit? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Changes and Complications – Better and Better 2

Things are starting to get complicated for the amazonian protagonist of Muscle Fan‘s erotic-science-fiction-romance Better and Better, but none of it can stop her from becoming even taller, stronger, and hornier than ever before!


Synopsis: As Dr. Jessica Egolf continues to get taller and more muscular, her boss at the company making the virus that started her growth becomes suspicious. With Jessica’s transformation becoming impossible to hide, she and her lover Paul deal with the consequences of her growing problem.

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Tags: Female muscle growth, lift and carry, feats of strength, clothes ripping, mini-giantess, female growth, sex, sex=growth, blowjob

Issue release date: September 24th, 2017

Written by: Mac Rome

Lineart by: Vincenzo Sansone

Color by: Ross A. Campbell

Series Link: Better and Better

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Better and Better 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Fighting and Fucking – Total Knockouts

Travel back in time to the roaring 20s with the release of Total Knockouts, a Muscle Fan release for all the readers who enjoy comics that feature rough fight scenes, bisexual eroticism, and extreme female muscle growth!


Synopsis: It is a boxing match for the ages! Watch as our lovely competitors Annie and Lily give it their all in the ring! The winner? Whomever gets the most cheers after each round is given a shot of a special blend of whiskey. Much to the crowd’s pleasure, it definitely makes for a big event…

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Tags: female muscle growth, height growth, breast growth, fighting, boxing, lesbian, sex, clothes ripping, nudity

Issue release date: September 10th, 2017

Written by: Trent Harlow

Artwork by: Octo

Issue Link: Total Knockouts

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Total Knockouts? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Modern Women Meet Ancient Powers – Aztec Muscle 3

You demanded it, so now you’ve got it! The long awaited third issue of Aztec Muscle is finally here and it has all of the sex and female muscle growth you’ve come to love and expect from this series!


Synopsis: After being chosen and blessed by the Aztec goddess Xochiquetzal, James has returned to the United States a man marked by fate. However, already his unforeseen blessing is starting to feel like a curse as his new sexual magnetism begins to impact his previously average life.

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Tags: female muscle growth through magic, bodybuilder size woman having sex with man

Issue release date: August 24th, 2017

Written by: Lysander

Artwork by: Ponce (Altercomics)

Series Link: Aztec Muscle

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Aztec Muscle 3? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Empowered Environmentalist – Tree Hugger

Tree Hugger‘s Lana proves once and for all that a strong woman “going green” does’t always have to be a she-hulk! Download yourself a copy today and enjoy the fantastic exploits of Muscle Fan‘s bulletproof nature lover!


Synopsis: Young scientist and environmentalist Lana is thrilled when she raises enough funds to start a research project in the rain forest. However, after several strange accidents and locals slow her research’s progress, she discovers that a company specialized in arms and applied sciences have built a secret complex into large parts of unexplored wilderness. Realizing she would receive no help from authorities, Lana starts a one-woman-guerrilla operation.

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Tags: mini-giantess, female muscle growth, growing/bursting out of clothes, breast growth, feats of strength

Issue release date: August 10th, 2017

Written by: CiHity

Artwork by: Emmanuel Xerx Javier

Issue Link: Tree Hugger

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Tree Hugger? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Supernaturally Swole – Pumped-Up Poltergeists

A group of ghost hunters experience weight loss, uneven growth, and female muscle growth in the first issue Pumped-Up Poltergeists!


Synopsis: A group of girls try to start up a web series where they visit haunted locations to find ghosts. Their first stop is the O’Hare Hotel, where they do come across their first specters. However, they soon experience the ghosts in ways beyond expectations.

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Tags: female muscle growth, clothes destruction, size alteration, ghosts, uneven growth, breast shrinkage, breast growth

Issue release date: July 24th, 2017

Written by: Rolling Thunder

Lineart by: Michela Da Sacco

Color by: Ross A. Campbell

Issue Link: Pumped-Up Poltergeists

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Pumped-Up Poltergeists? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Transforming Fat into Muscle – Better and Better

A short and overweight nerd girl becomes a busty, hungry, and horny amazon in the first issue of Muscle Fan‘s new science fiction romance Better and Better!


Synopsis: Doctors Paul Ahearn and Jessica Egolf work together on developing a new weight-loss treatment, allowing a person to add height and muscle to grow into their body weight. When a lab accident exposes short, fat Jess to the untested formula, she begins to slowly grow bigger, more muscular and hotter. Now Jess and Paul have a growing relationship. However, as Jess outgrows the limits of a normal human, the company they work for begins to consider her condition a growing problem…

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Tags: Muscle growth, feats of strength, height increase, nerd girl, lift and carry

Issue release date: July 10th, 2017

Written by: Mac Rome

Lineart by: Vincenzo Sansone

Color by: Ross A. Campbell

Issue Link: Better and Better

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Better and Better? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Tanned and Toned – Sunburned

The first Muscle Fan comic to feature mental changes as drastic as the physical ones is now available for downloading! Sign up today and enjoy Sunburned, the story of a sexy goth that transforms into an even sexier amazon whenever her skin is exposed to sunlight!


Synopsis: A walk in the park takes a turn for the transformative as a young woman is exposed to the rays of the sun, causing her to grow from a reclusive figure with a penchant for gothic clothes to an Amazonian blonde bombshell.

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Tags: Female Muscle growth, rapid skin tan, brunette to blonde, gothic undressing, bronze female muscle

Issue release date: June 24th, 2017

Written by: Lysander

Artwork by: Octo

Issue Link: Sunburned

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Sunburned? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Bangalore Brawn – The Delicate Life of Sushma Rau

Female muscle growth comes to India in The Delicate Life of Sushma Rau, a new Muscle Fan comic detailing the life of a woman living in a small shantytown with a genetic condition that causes her body to permanently grow bigger and stronger every time she strains her muscles.


Synopsis: A girl with a rare genetic condition has to keep herself from exerting her muscles in any way, because every time a muscle flexes bigger, it swells to make that her new normal size!

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Tags: Muscle growth, super-strength, clothes ripping, feats of strength, lift and carry, clumsy

Issue release date: June 10th, 2017

Written by: Soylent Orange

Artwork by: Enroc Studios

Issue Link: The Delicate Life of Sushma Rau

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of The Delicate Life of Sushma Rau? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Star Trek Into Buffness – Empowering Explorations

Muscle Fan‘s newest title promises to boldly grow where no comic of ours has grown before: on an alien world where both musculature and lust can naturally grow to mind-blowing levels!


Synopsis: Members of the Guild of Space Exploration take to examining a planet for possible habitation. As they send away teams to study the planets’ flora and fauna, one pair manages to come across an amazing discovery… with ’empowering’ results…

Empowering-Explorations_01-cover-socialmedia Empowering-Explorations_01-preview-socialmedia

Tags: Muscle growth, breast growth, height growth, sci-fi, sex, clothes ripping

Issue release date: May 24th, 2017

Written by: Rolling Thunder

Lineart by: Salo

Color by: Ross A. Campbell

Issue Link: Empowering Explorations

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Empowering Explorations? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!