Have a seat and listen to part 2 of The Ballad of Sir Walt! After being taken on as an apprentice to the battle witch Tabitha, Walt finds out that his training program is going to include long hours of study, combat lessons, and some rigorous (s)exercise!

Synopsis: The former squire Walt now finds himself the servant/apprentice/lover of the mysterious and unorthodox battle witch Tabitha. Tabitha’s first action was to gift Walt with a new and improved instrument of lust, but what else does she have planned for her new protégé?

Written By: Lysander45
Artwork By: Rukasu
Tags: female muscle, sex, femdom, lesbian, pleasure, fighting, threesome, fantasy, witch, magic
Pages: 10 + 1 cover
Issue Release Date: June 10th, 2023
Series Link: The Ballad of Sir Walt
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