Formerly shrunken muscle girl Vanessa has grown a lot thanks to the latest experimental treatment for her problem. Now she’s no longer Small, But Mighty – instead, she’s massive… and overpowered! She’s also still getting bigger, but the results might be unstable…

Synopsis: Now that she is big in more ways than one, Vanessa never wants to be caged up again! But is her size and strength going to last… or is she doomed to become small and weak once more?

Written By: a0040pc
Artwork By: Bokuman
Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, extreme muscle growth, feats of strength, growth, height increase, giantess, colossal size, shrinking, shrunken woman, transformation, destruction, revenge, science
Pages: 10 + 1 cover
Issue Release Date: September 10th, 2023
Series Link: Small, But Mighty
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