We Don’t Talk About Fitness Club – Storm Swell

Today’s comic, Storm Swell, stars musclebound babe Prosperity Storm, who runs a secret operation that connects her supply of a mysterious (and incredibly potent) muscle growth serum to a group of wealthy women desperate for massive gains! It’s quite the lucrative setup – but someone lurking on the periphery is out to put a stop to her scheme…


Synopsis: Prosperity Storm, nude fitness model, corners the market on an experimental substance that allows for rapid muscle growth with strenuous exercise (and she does mean “strenuous”). Starting an exclusive underground “fitness club” for women with more money than sense, she delights in pushing these vapid housewives a little too far. How much are they willing to endure to obtain their dream bodies… and why is a mysterious outsider plotting to bring Pris down?

Storm-Swell_01-logo-socialmedia Storm-Swell_01-page-socialmedia

Written By: Extremist

Artwork By: Everton Sousa

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, pleasure, workout, exhaustion, feats of strength, lesbian, clit growth, science

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: March 24th, 2022

Issue Link: Storm Swell

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


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