Xia tried to use The Strength of Chi for her own spiteful gain, but was defeated by the power’s rightful wielder, Lumin, and imprisoned for her crimes. However, all is not well for Lumin, as her own power is growing out of control, and Xia is seeking her escape and revenge…

Synopsis: Following her defeat last issue, Xia plots her next move. Meanwhile, Lumin finds herself unable to control the flow of her chi as her body begins to rapidly swell with power…

Written By: a0040pc
Lineart By: Mad Max Duarte
Colors By: Daniel Dw
Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, clothes ripping, feats of strength, destruction, fighting, revenge, magic
Pages: 10 + 1 cover
Issue Release Date: June 24, 2024
Series Link: The Strength of Chi
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