Mollie shares her amazing “bodybuilding” drug with Addy, and it has the same incredible effect! However, Mollie has been the biggest and strongest girl in town for a while now – so, how will she react to Addy being even bigger than her? And could there be some previously undiscovered side effects of the pills?

Synopsis: Addy takes her first taste of Mollie’s new pills and the results are more than expected! Unfortunately, a possible case of jealousy now appears to be bubbling up between the two friends…

Written By: Rolling Thunder
Lineart By: Salo
Color By: Ruben Curto
Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, breast expansion, clothes ripping, shoes ripping, destruction, science
Pages: 10 + 1 cover
Issue Release Date: February 24th, 2024
Series Link: Body of Iron
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