A Graceful Warrior – A Strong Determination

A magic potion transforms the powerless and proper Princess Grace into a horny and hulking heroine in A Strong Determination, the latest FMG fetish fantasy feature from Muscle Fan Comics!


Synopsis: Sir Finnigan is protecting Princess Grace Serencourt from a thug. During their struggle, Finnigan accidentally drops a small vial with a purple potion that rolls near Grace. After she drinks the potion, Grace’s muscles suddenly grow and, with her new strength, she easily defeats the thug herself. However, both the knight and the princess are unaware of the potion’s side effects on women…

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Tags: fantasy, muscle growth, height increase, breast expansion, ass expansion, clothes ripping, femdom, magic, sex

Issue release date: July 10th, 2018

Written byGuazzaquadro

Artwork by: Rukasu

Issue Link: A Strong Determination

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at MuscleFan.com!


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