Arcade Amazon – High Scored

A mysterious arcade cabinet transforms an ambitious gamer girl into a burly barbarian in High Scored, the first Muscle Fan release of 2019!


Synopsis: Ashley manages to land the high score on an old-school arcade system. She soon learns her reward is much better than just becoming the top on a leaderboard…

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Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, clothes destruction, clothes ripping, height increase, hair growth, feats of strength, transformation, magic

Issue release date: January 10th, 2019

Written by: Rolling Thunder

Artwork by: Octo

Issue Link: High Scored

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


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Apocalyptic Amazon – The Strong Shall Survive

Post-apocalyptic science fiction meets female muscle growth erotica with the first issue of The Strong Shall Survive, a new series showcasing the adventures of a lone survivor as she is chased by blood-thirsty marauders and accidentally transformed into a superhumanly strong warrior woman!


Synopsis: Centuries after a nuclear war, remnants of humanity strive to survive in harsh environment. Many have managed to build settlements to maintain order and protect themselves from outside forces like mutated animals and raiders. However, there are still old secrets left from the world before, like the remains of hidden technologies and radioactive materials…

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Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, sci-fi, post-apocalypse, feats of strength, clothing ripping

Issue release date: October 10th, 2018

Written by: Rolling Thunder

Artwork by: r2roh

Issue Link: The Strong Shall Survive

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


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Transformative Taste Test – Supplemental

An untested formula for a new nutrition supplement changes a cute and tiny nerd girl into a sexy and musclebound amazon in Muscle Fan‘s Supplemental!


Synopsis: Research chemist Gary has been working on his formula for a superior nutrition supplement for years, and he has finally cracked the formula. However, things go awry when his friend Judy tries the untested product.

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Tags: female muscle growth, height increase, breast expansion, science, clothes ripping, awkward comedy, strength domination, sexual foreplay, sandals ripping

Issue release date: September 24th, 2018

Written by: Lysander

Lineart byShonemitsu

Colors byRoss A. Campbell

Issue Link: Supplemental

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


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Buff Babe in the Bayou – Swamp Fever

Fans of mini-giantesses, expanding breasts, and detailed muscle growth sequences dare not miss out on the release of Swamp Fever: the story of a female camper who gets dirty (in more ways than one) when she discovers a swamp’s astonishingly transformative properties!


Synopsis: Kara and Sean are a young couple looking to spend a night camping in the swamp. Ignoring the warnings of a local elder, they head into the swamp. They were prepared for nature’s challenges, but they were not prepared for the effects of the Swamp Fever.

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Synopsis: Kara and Sean are a young couple looking to spend a night camping in the swamp. Ignoring the warnings of a local elder, they head into the swamp. They were prepared for nature’s challenges, but they were not prepared for the effects of the Swamp Fever.

Tags: Female Muscle Growth, Clothes Ripping, Breast Expansion

Issue release date: August 24th, 2018

Written by: Lysander

Artwork by: r2roh

Issue Link: Swamp Fever

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


What did you think of Swamp Fever? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

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FMG Feminism – A Touch of the Vapours

The suffragist movement of an alternate timeline discovers a more expedient and erotic method of accomplishing their political goals in Muscle Fan‘s latest period piece: A Touch of the Vapours!


Synopsis: Two Suffragettes meet to discuss their upcoming group meeting. One of them, Constance, has a headache. Little does she know that her new phial of smelling salts comes with a shocking side effect.

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Tags: Female Muscle Growth, Breast Expansion, Clothes Ripping, Victorian Era

Issue release date: August 10th, 2018

Written by: Lysander

Artwork by: Emmanuel Xerx Javier

Issue Link: A Touch of the Vapours

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of A Touch of the Vapours? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Garage Sale Muscle Growth – The Barbell

Muscle Fan is proud to debut The Barbell, a new series about how a garage sale purchase transforms a normal woman into a musclebound powerhouse and leads her into the ranks of a mysterious organization!


Synopsis: Cynthia thought she found an ordinary barbell, except she can’t seem to lift it. Her brother can, but she can’t. What’s more, Cynthia can’t stop trying to lift the barbell, even though she knows she can’t, and the barbell is changing her. She might not know it, but this barbell will fling Cynthia into a new world, one unlike any she’s ever imagined: the world of the Euclid Association.

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Tags: female muscle growth, height growth, clothes destruction, magic

Issue release date: July 24th, 2018

Written by: Hank Birche

Artwork by: Wang (Sedna Studio)

Issue Link: The Barbell

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of The Barbell? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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A Graceful Warrior – A Strong Determination

A magic potion transforms the powerless and proper Princess Grace into a horny and hulking heroine in A Strong Determination, the latest FMG fetish fantasy feature from Muscle Fan Comics!


Synopsis: Sir Finnigan is protecting Princess Grace Serencourt from a thug. During their struggle, Finnigan accidentally drops a small vial with a purple potion that rolls near Grace. After she drinks the potion, Grace’s muscles suddenly grow and, with her new strength, she easily defeats the thug herself. However, both the knight and the princess are unaware of the potion’s side effects on women…

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Tags: fantasy, muscle growth, height increase, breast expansion, ass expansion, clothes ripping, femdom, magic, sex

Issue release date: July 10th, 2018

Written byGuazzaquadro

Artwork by: Rukasu

Issue Link: A Strong Determination

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of A Strong Determination? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Tavern Tales – The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide

Notheria’s greatest champion reveals the secret of how she got her incredible strength (and details one of her most amazing battles) in the exciting first issue of Muscle Fan‘s latest fantasy-adventure title: The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide!


Synopsis: In the land of Notheria, humans live alongside elves, dwarves, and various other races. Notheria is a land of magic and adventure, and while many people are accustomed to orc raids and dragon attacks, nobody will ever get used to Bregwyn Firehide. So sit down, pour yourself a drink, and listen intently as Bregwyn introduces herself and recounts the tale of how she became the tallest and most muscular person in all of Notheria.

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Tags: mini giantess, muscle growth, fantasy, clothes ripping, feats of strength

Issue release date: June 10th, 2018

Written by: Hank Birche

Artwork by: Bokuman

Issue Link: The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Loud and Proud – Say My Name!

A simple wish gives a petite waitress the height and musculature of a female bodybuilder in Say My Name, a new comic for fans of female muscle growth transformations and lesbian sex scenes!


Synopsis: Emma’s wish makes her grow taller and stronger any time someone says her name.

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Tags: female muscle growth, clothes ripping, gentle giantess, wish fulfillment, magical transformation, female height growth, explicit sex, f/f sex, strength growth, lift and carry, button popping, breast expansion

Issue release date: May 24th, 2018

Written by: Arie McBride

Lineart by: Shonemitsu

Colors by: Ylenia Di Napoli

Issue Link: Say My Name!

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of Say My Name? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Amazonian Apparitions – Pumped-Up Poltergeists 2

Muscle Fan‘s favourite group of ghost hunters (and FMG-friendly ghosts) are back and ready to grow even more powerful in the second chapter of Pumped-Up Poltergeists!


Synopsis: It’s haunting hour at the O’Hare Hotel and the girls are getting in over their heads. With the ghosts making their presence known, the cast has discovered their unusual… effects. What else will they experience now that they’ve gotten the spirits’ full attention?

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Tags: female muscle growth, clothes destruction, size alteration, ghosts, uneven growth, breast shrinkage, breast growth, giantess, feats of strength

Issue release date: March 24th, 2018

Written by: Rolling Thunder

Lineart by Michela Da Sacco

Color by: Ross A. Campbell

Series Link: Pumped-Up Poltergeists

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of Pumped-Up Poltergeists 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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