Catch the Fever! – Night of the Living Amazons

Heading home after work one night, Bella and Jordan encounter an acquaintance of theirs, acting aggressive and lustful. She seems to have caught whatever is going around – in this case, a contagion that causes big-time muscle growth!

Synopsis: Something is happening. The news keeps reporting of men and women, possessed by some mania, attacking people. Is it a virus? Is it a new drug? Whatever it is, it is spreading… and coworkers Bella and Jordan are about to learn all about it firsthand!

Written By: Lysander

Artwork By: Ponce (AlterComics)

Tags: female muscle, height increase, muscle growth, pleasure, clothes ripping, sex, feats of strength, nudity, personality change, femdom

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: May 24th, 2024

Issue Link: Night of the Living Amazons

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


  • What did you think about Night of the Living Amazons? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Forged in an Old Flame – The Ballad of Sir Walt 3

The Ballad of Sir Walt continues today! When we last saw him, Walt was about to “reunite” with his first love, Carla. When she suddenly grows into a musclebound bombshell after their encounter, Walt starts to suspect that Tabitha may have some big plans in mind…

Synopsis: Walt and his foremost sweetheart, Carla, are reunited by the machinations of Walt’s mistress, Tabitha. The lovebirds are encouraged to go somewhere quiet so that there is no one to interrupt them… but to what end? What will emerge from the unleashing of their youthful passion?

Written By: Lysander

Artwork By: Rukasu

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, clothes ripping, breast expansion, ass expansion, height increase, sex, pleasure, fantasy, witch, magic

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: October 24th, 2023

Series Link: The Ballad of Sir Walt

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


  • What did you think about The Balled of Sir Walt 3? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Resistance is Futile – Submit to Her

A man waiting on a sexy stripper is taken by surprise when he finds out that Mistress Victoria can get as big and strong as she needs to in order to utterly dominate him. What’s a guy to do? Well, Submit to Her – it’s not like he has much choice!

Synopsis: When you step into the domain of Mistress Victoria, you are at her mercy. Her power is unmistakable and her demands are clear. Do not fight her for long… unless you want to be punished.

Written By: Rolling Thunder

Lineart By: Salo

Color By: Ylenia di Napoli

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, clothes ripping, nudity, feats of strength, sex, pleasure

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: October 10th, 2023

Issue Link: Submit to Her

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


  • What did you think about Submit to Her? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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New Frontiers – Pioneer Love Power

Nellie’s struggling to adjust to life building a homestead in the wilderness with her new husband. The work is hard, and she’s both short and slight. However, thanks to an herbal remedy courtesy of a Native woman, her troubles are nothing a little Pioneer Love Power can’t fix!

Synopsis: Nellie Swyers is too small and weak for frontier life in colonial America. She gets help from an unlikely source, one that adds to her strength – but only by drawing strength from another!

Written By: Mac Rome

Lineart By: Salo

Color By: Ruben Curto

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, feats of strength, lift and carry, clothes ripping, shoes ripping, sex, pleasure, magic

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: March 24th, 2023

Issue Link: Pioneer Love Power

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


Northern Exposure – She-Bear of the Snow

Gather ’round, folks, and hear a hunter tell of his harrowing encounter with the She-Bear of the Snow. Then again, the way he describes the events may be leaving out some particularly spicy details…

Synopsis: A huntsman travels through the woods at night, trying to fight out the snow as it comes down. Much to his surprise, he is found by a powerful figure: the She-Bear in the Snow!

Written By: Rolling Thunder

Artwork By: Gabriel Rearte (AlterComics)

Tags: female muscle, nudity, clothes ripping, feats of strength, sex

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: March 10th, 2023

Issue Link: She-Bear of the Snow

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


Hulking Heist – Stealing Strength 2

Hardbodied thief Pearl Loin is back to, er, purloin once more in the second issue of Stealing Strength! Her next target is TechnoTransit, a shady corporation that believes they’ve got a way to stop her criminal career. And best of luck to them – Pearl is bigger and stronger than ever! Stealing-Strength_02-SLIDEe

Synopsis: Tech-thieving TechnoTransit officials think they have what it takes to stop the shipment-wrecking, super-strong muscle woman calling herself Pearl Loin. Will they succeed, or will Pearl finally bring down these corporate criminals?
Stealing-Strength_02-logo-socialmedia Stealing-Strength_02-page-socialmedia

Written By: Mac Rome

Lineart By: Salo

Color By: Slasher

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, super-strong, feats of strength, lift and carry, crushing, clothes ripping, shoes ripping, height increase, sex, blowjob, science

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: October 10th, 2021

Series Link: Stealing Strength

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


I Want a New Drug – Body of Iron

A girl who’s been struggling with illness for a long time finally finds a new kind of vitamin that leaves her stronger and healthier than she’d ever dreamed – and she wants to take her new physique for a spin! Can her boyfriend keep up with her newfound stamina?


Synopsis: Mollie has been dealing with health issues for her entire life. She’s been trying to keep it in check with the latest pills and supplements. Thankfully, her newest treatment has been doing wonders for her body (in more ways than one)!

Body-of-Iron_01-logo-socialmedia Body-of-Iron_01-page-socialmedia

Written By: Rolling Thunder

Lineart By: Salo

Color By: Yuri di Curzio

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, breast expansion, sex, feats of strength, clothes ripping, science

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: August 10th, 2021

Issue Link: Body of Iron

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


Super Strong Sorceress – A Strong Determination 2

The noble knight from A Strong Determination returns to once again be humiliated and utterly dominated by a ridiculously lewd and impossibly muscular woman. This time, however, the woman in question is a wanton witch whose power is more than just physical…


Synopsis: In order to get a new vial of potion, Sir William goes to the mansion of Everlyne the witch. The knight complains to the witch about the collateral effects of her potion. Everlyne decides to test the potion on herself, but the effects will go far beyond her imagination…

AStrongDetermination02p00GFXlogoFINAL AStrongDetermination02p03GFXletters

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, fantasy, witch, breast expansion, ass expansion, femdom, sex, pleasure, clothes ripping, magic

Issue Release Date: September 24th, 2019

Written By: Guazzaquadro

Artwork By Rukasu

Series Link: A Strong Determination

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of A Strong Determination 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Wiry Waifu – Natural Defense

A mischievous man takes advantage of his cute (and easily embarrassed) alien girlfriend’s unique physiology in Natural Defense, a lighthearted sci-fi comedy from Muscle Fan!


Synopsis: Walter is a regular man living with his girlfriend Kelnevya, an alien girl. Eyes and hair aside, Kelnevya looks like an ordinary earthling girl, but her species has a peculiar defense mechanism that activates itself every time she is stressed or embarrassed…

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Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, breast expansion, ass expansion, clothes ripping, alien woman, sex, science, sci-fi

Issue Release Date: September 10th, 2019

Written By: Guazzaquadro

Artwork By: QWZ (Sedna Studio)

Issue Link: Natural Defense

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think about Natural Defense? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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A Graceful Warrior – A Strong Determination

A magic potion transforms the powerless and proper Princess Grace into a horny and hulking heroine in A Strong Determination, the latest FMG fetish fantasy feature from Muscle Fan Comics!


Synopsis: Sir Finnigan is protecting Princess Grace Serencourt from a thug. During their struggle, Finnigan accidentally drops a small vial with a purple potion that rolls near Grace. After she drinks the potion, Grace’s muscles suddenly grow and, with her new strength, she easily defeats the thug herself. However, both the knight and the princess are unaware of the potion’s side effects on women…

a_strong_determinataion___power_potion_princess_by_muscle_fan_comics-dc94go4 AStrongDetermination01p03GFXletters-socialmedia

Tags: fantasy, muscle growth, height increase, breast expansion, ass expansion, clothes ripping, femdom, magic, sex

Issue release date: July 10th, 2018

Written byGuazzaquadro

Artwork by: Rukasu

Issue Link: A Strong Determination

Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!


  • What did you think of A Strong Determination? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at