Power Full – Power Plant 3

Muscle Fan concludes the story of Power Plant with a third and final issue today! The two newly muscular women are cleaning up their mess and get exposed to more of the sap – leading to more sexy fun! But what other wonders might arise from these discoveries?


Synopsis: Doctor Choi and Daniels have both been affected by the Cambodian jungle plant’s sap. Now, they must overcome their urges to clean up the area so that the plant can be safely studied. The night of the Power Plant is almost over. What does the new day bring?

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Written By: Lysander

Lineart By: Raffaele Ricciardi

Colors By: Ruben Curto

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, man muscle growth, pleasure, oiled muscles, Olympian physique, feats of strength, lesbian, sex, science

Pages: 10 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: June 10th, 2021

Series Link: Power Plant

To download this comic and all of our other female muscle comics purchase a 1-month membership to Muscle Fan!


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