My New Wife

My name is Jonas, I'm a truckdriver, and I'm going to tell you how I met my wife.

I was driving in bad weather. Snowing and freezing cold. Then I saw some kind of a car or I don't know what. I figure that I better stop and see if there is anyone in need of help, so I put on my warm coat and went outside in the snowstorm. As I was getting closer to the strange car, I saw someone was inside and trapped. So, I rushed to the car and tried to open the door. I had to use all my strength to open it, and, to my surprise, there was a young, beautiful woman in the car. She seemed to be knocked out.

As I was tried to lift the mystery woman out of the car, I soon discovered that she was so heavy that I couldn't move. She weighed several times my own weight... and yet she was still so small. I started panicking, unsure of how do to get her out of there!

That's when I heard her whisper: "Kiss me". I thought she was dreaming, so I asked her if she was awake? “Yes, sir...” she said, “...but you have to kiss me if you are going to have strength enough to get me out of here.” So, I did as she told me: I kissed her... and WOW! What a feeling! I felt like could lift a mountain, which meant that I could now lift her with ease!

Back at my truck, I asked her if she needed anything. She asked me to go back to her car, and take out her bag... so I did! She thanked me for getting her bag, and added that her name was Laura. I told her mine... and then she said "I'm yours now!"

'What?' I replied.

“Well, you saved my life, so I now owe my life to you. Don't you want me?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. A beautiful woman that I met in the middle of a snowstorm wanted to be my girlfriend. Unsure of what else I could do, I told her that I would think about it, and that we'd better both get out of this snowstorm.

We started to drive as the storm grew stronger and bigger... until it finally happened. I was jackknifed in a sharp turn and we went of the road. I was so angry with myself, why didn't i stop and wait out the snowstorm, and besides that I had Laura to think of. 'Laura,' I said, 'guess we are stuck here, we better wait for the tow truck tomorrow after the snowstorm has gone.' That was when she said the weirdest thing she had until then.

"Don't worry, my boyfriend. I will fix this."

'How?' I asked as she took some strange bottle out of her bag, drank it, and walked outside.

"Wait!" I said. "You must put on a winter jacket on!"

“Don't worry, sweetie,” she replied. I followed outside and she added: “Oh, this is not a problem for me at all, sweetie.”

"What do you mean?" My annoyance was clear and growing.

That was when she took a grip on the trailer and she started to grow. Suddenly, she he was getting more muscle than any male bodybuilder I've seen. My jaw dropped as she lifted the trailer in the air and put it down on the road. Next came the semi. Thankfully, it was with ease that she lifted the truck and then placed it on the road again. I didn't know if I was going to be scared or grateful for this. She was a super girl! We sat down in the truck again, and I told her that I now owed her my life and that she didn't need to be my girlfriend if she didn't want to be.

“You didn't run when I lifted the trailer... how come?”

"Well..." I blushed. "I get turned on by female muscles, so that's why I didn't run!"

She smiled silently for a moment before speaking again. "I want to marry you."

And we did just that... and what a wife I now have! Sex, muscle growth, and being worshiped by a Goddess whenever I wish. I am a truly happy man!

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, feats of strength, transformation, height increase, growth,

Story by Snowman76
Artwork by Octo - Rol Enriquez

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