Everyday She-Hulk

All her life, Ashley Park wanted to be big and strong, like all the heroes she saw flying and running and leaping across her city. As an adult-- while she eventually settled into an ordinary job as a health and safety inspector-- she still held that childhood dream close to her heart, and so spent much of her free time hitting her local gyms, working to build up her muscles and physique.

Unfortunately, while she made some notable gains, she never quite managed to reach the heights she wanted. Eventually, her gains would plateau, and she could find no obvious way to progress toward her goals.

But then came the day at Banner Laboratories…

During a routine inspection, one of the machines experienced a freak malfunction, bombarding Ms. Park with an excess of experimental gamma particles and transforming her into a mean green muscle machine! She had more power in one hand than a dozen men had in their entire bodies! “I’M INCREDIBLE!!” she shouted.

As you can imagine, Ashley was ecstatic about this turn of fate. As soon as the scientists gave her a clean bill of health, she sorted out all the practical concerns of her newfound physique— including a new wardrobe tailored to contain her expanded, um... proportions.

She hit every gym she could find to test the limits of her newfound power. “It’s time for this Sensational She-Hulk to see what she can do!!”

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, superhero, She-Hulk, feats of strength, transformation, growth, bicep flex

Story by Crimson Flamingo
Artwork by Marcelo Salaza

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