Carrying a Father's Memory

"Fathers are men who carry us to victory. In the freedom and wildness of the Steppe, fathers raise their sons to be like them in times of crisis. Though there are always exceptions. I am my father’s daughter, yet he treated me like a son. But then, my father was no ordinary man. He was a man of who knew self-sacrifice and would do anything to keep his wife and children safe. He was a man who adopted me when I had nowhere to go. He took me in, nursed me back to health and ignored my peculiarities. He never questioned my heritage or mother tongue. As a free man, he guided me through the wilderness as our horses trotted through grasslands. Together, we saw tulips grow in the spring and long grass dance in the wind. He showed me how bright, clear, blue, and open the skies can be under the Steppes. He taught the way of the land and the way of the nomads. I learned the ancient ways from him and I learned martial prowess from him, yet the best gift he gave me was tenacity and the willpower to push through. He taught me to persevere through all the odds and survive in the wilderness of the Wild Fields themselves, whether it be through rain, snow, or the intense summer heat. We traveled through the sea by boat and rode the rapids as we went from town to town. However, all I can do now is hold the hat he wore close to my heart and cherish the moments and memories we had together..."

Tags: female muscle, natural fitness, catgirl

Story by SageofRhun
Artwork by Sedna Studio - LRC

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