Cosmo Queen Chrysa 3

Cosmo Queen Chrysa 3
Cosmo Queen Chrysa 3

Chrysa has made a terrible mistake. Her newfound strength had given her a sense of invulnerability which led her to recklessly attacking Jessica Jackson. That mistake cost her an arm, courtesy of Riner, and gave Jessica all of the same powers that Chrysa possesses. Chrysa must now use her greatest asset: her scientific mind!

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, transformation, clothes ripping, destruction, clothing destruction, female domination, height increase, mini-giantess, action, fighting, alien woman, science

Released January 10, 2025
10 pages + cover
Story by TheVoidSlayer
Artwork by Salo, Ruben Curto
This issue is part of the Cosmo Queen Chrysa series.

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